Lash Out: 3 Creative Uses For Mascara

Mascara is used to help enhance lashes, making them appear longer, thicker, and more voluptuous. But, for girls on the go did you know you can also grab that magic wand and instantly have fuller brows and a long-lasting liner as well?

Photo Courtesy: Kathryn Friedman

Up and Over: Fuller Brows

For those of you who are familiar with the wide array of brow products available, you’ve most likely heard of brow mascara. Essentially a product to tint and tame, if you don’t feel like spending cash on one, try using a brown mascara already in your repetoire.

Start by wiping any excess product or clumps ofd the brush, then sweep up and over as you would with an ordinary eyebrow comb.

Photo Courtesy: The Beauty Department

Fall in Line: Long-Lasting Liner

I’ve shared this trick of the trade before, but basically all you need is a mascara with a suitable formula (think thicker, not as liquid-y) and an angled liner brush. Just dip, and apply as you normally would. This is great for those who like to pack light for travel, or for if you’re in a pinch.

Photo Courtesy: Kathleen Kamphausen

Grey Matter: Root Touch-Up

This technique is the only one I haven’t tried on this list, but it intrigued me. If you have darker hair, reach for a similar-colored mascara and use it as a temporary touch-up on your roots. This can also be used for covering up re-growth.

I’m always fascinated by “hacks”-beauty and otherwise. They just seem so ingenious and handy to know.

As for mascaras to try, may I recommend the Honeybee Gardens Truly Natural Mascara. Not only is it affordable, accesible, and long-lasting, it also does not smudge or clump. And, it’s is one of Organic Beauty Talk’s Editor Favorites. I’ve also heard good things about the ones from Lily Lolo and Pacifica.

I’d love to know in the comments below what mascaras you all out there enjoy and if you’d like to see more posts like this!

9 thoughts on “Lash Out: 3 Creative Uses For Mascara

  1. Pingback: Happy Birthday Dream & Scheme! | Dream & Scheme

    • Thanks! And I as well have been dissapointed by the lack of liquid liners available. I’m thinking of maybe trying the one from Zuzu Luxe or Crazy Cat Lady Concoctions Felines (that name though).


  2. Pingback: Weekly Wrap-Up: No Return | Dream & Scheme

  3. I LOVED this post! ❤ I am going to be traveling end of this month, and will test if I can use the mascara as an eye liner 🙂 I can live without my mascara, but not a good black eyeliner. I'm currently using KW Mascara and really love it. Think I might have finally found my HG natural mascara. W3ll People Mascara is another one that's on my Lust List, since it's so highly talked about! I have to be honest, I still have quite a few dirty mascaras floating around, and need to finish them up too. I just don't have the heart to throw them in the bin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can relate! Recently I wrote a review on a “forgotten find” of mine, the 100% Pure Pretty Naked Palette, and I hope to do more posts like that. I am definitely guilty of letting products become abandoned.

      I’d love to see how it goes for you using this trick! I’m interested how well it performs with other mascaras.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. More posts like these Megan! I love reading how others multi-purpose their beauty products so I’m game 🙂 Your post reminded me that I need to chuck out my mascara, it’s gone past the 3 month point and last time I applied some it irritates my eyes. That said, there’s nothing wrong with it. To date, I’ve used Ilia’s in Night and RMS Volumizing mascara. Loved both, they worked well but have long been intrigued by the W3LL one 🙂 xx

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