Happy Birthday Dream & Scheme!

Today marks the one year celebration of my blog, Dream & Scheme! I can’t believe that I can finally say I’ve hit this milestone.

I’ve grown so much, not just my blog, but as a person. I’ve discovered so many beautiful brands who pride themselves in their integrity, ethical ingredient sourcing, and efficacious products.

I’ve gotten to know the amazingly supportived green beauty community, from non-toxic newbies to seasoned veterans that know the ropes and are well-versed in the oleic vs. linoleic acids debate.

It has been a mutual exchange of product recommendations and beauty tips that have proved invaluable to me.

I hope that Dream & Scheme has helped to foster some of this discussion as well and that my readers have gained insights from my post, and found them helpful.

In the following year, I plan on expanding to new social media platforms (yes, I’m finally jumping on Twitter and Instagram) as well refining my posts and hopefully continuing to output quality content.

Thank you to the lovely bloggers Julie, Jana, and Sandra for your frequent comments. I always love seeing your names pop up on my blog!

And a big thanks to everyone else who likes, reads, and shares my posts. It means the world to me and I can’t express my gratitude enough.

Here’s to the past year of learning and growing. May the next one be wonderful as well!

My Favorite Posts of This Year

7 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Dream & Scheme!

  1. Pingback: Weekly Wrap-Up: Lately | Dream & Scheme

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