Weekly Wrap-Up: No Return

The Point of No Return

An ephiphany hit me recently as I was shopping online. It occurred to me that I have somehow become immune to advertising for products that aren’t natural. I no longer find appeal from my local Sephora, knowing that inside those pretty little jars and tubes are toxic chemicals.

When I first switched to the green side, I couldn’t help but fall victim to claims and promises, rave reviews and hype. But, by educating myself and doing my research to find effective, healthy alternatives, I was able to block out the allure of mainstream and focus on what was really good for me.

Thank you so much to all the lovely ladies who have particpated in the “Fall in Love” tag so far! I’ve been enjoying reading all of your thoughtful and candid responses. Check out the full, updated list of all who participated on the original tag page.

And, doesn’t Sonja (she joined in on the tag as well!) look gorgeous in the picture below?

Photo Courtesy: Life in Blush

Thanks to her I am now coveting the Sappho Cosmetics Liquid Foundation and Ilia Perfect Day.

I’ve noticed that many bloggers are participating in Sophia Uliano’s Gorgeous for Good program (namely Ru and Tamara). And, I was wondering if any of my readers are planning on committing as well?

One of my favorite “makeup tutorials”. I love this clever, thoughtful video injected with a sense of wit and humor.

This week I shared some creative ways you can use that magic wand known as mascara. And, to get into the Spring spirit, I also shared some tips on getting (and staying) more organized.

Beauty link party on TLV Birdie Blog

12 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap-Up: No Return

  1. I second Nic & Julie’s comments. When I see commercials for things like Pantene I know how bad they are & not tempted in the least. Natural beauty is a different thing tho! Still, I always read a product’s ingredients list before buying. If a brand won’t list its ingredients online I find that suspicious & stay away.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m in complete agreement. Before I joined the green side, I would have easily been seduced by flashy claims and pretty packaging. Now, my spending decisions are based on well-founded research on the ethics and ingredients of a brand. I also will not buy a product whose full ingredient list is unknown.


  2. Pingback: Spring Beauty Trends | Dream & Scheme

  3. Feeling exactly like Nic, I don’t go on physical beauty store anymore. Online shopping exclusively because i like to read all the ingredient and also, i want to encourage small business founded by a women. I don’t want to give my money to big industry or a chaine store. Love reading you post miss! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I definitely agree with what you said! My perspective on “fast beauty” has changed. I no longer fall victim to flashy packaging and avant-garde trends. I put my dollar where people care about the efficacy, ethicality, and quality of their products. I want to support diversity in economy.

      However, I will admit I do enjoy the convenience of brick-and-mortar stores and am excited when I get the chance to check out the tangible Credo Beauty, The Detox Market, and LURK.


  4. I know exactly what you mean Megan, about the point of no return with being tempted by conventional beauty products. It just doesn’t happen anymore. You could flash a gorgeous looking bottle in front of my face but if I know that the ingredients are dirty I feel nothing. No flutter of the heart telling me I really do need that product. No devil on my shoulder telling me to inch closer to my bag where my wallet resides. In fact I feel decidedly numb! Imagine if so many more of us felt this way, mammoth corporations like L’Oreal would crumble. Or they’d be forced to change their formulations 180 degrees. I don’t even bother going into any beauty stores anymore because I know they won’t be carrying anything that I’m looking for. My online stores are my go-tos! Thank god for the Internet. Hope you have a lovely weekend Megan! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for adding your sage thoughts into the discussion. How eloquently you phrased this idea that I feel about conventional beauty. My hope is that more people will become aware of our community and help us to positively impact beauty.

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  5. Sonja looks so beautiful! I’m a big fan of the Sappho liquid foundation as well 🙂 Haha, that video was really well done, awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

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